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    About Us_Icon 7


    Moving into the future, Nexus Capital shall be incorporating a new P2P (Peer-to-peer) company focusing on crowdfunding ‘the digital way’. This online platform shall be a revolution to the traditional ones, allowing not just the general public to show an interest in funding an idea, a project or a company as an individual or an alliance, but also open to private corporations or even a conglomerate who wishes to be a funder.

    The company shall be the first-ever company that not only functions as a fundraising platform, but also an advisory that provides consultation on financing and financial management roadmap to assist clients avoid mismanaging the facilities that they obtained which could potentially lead to disheartening wastage.

    Nexus Capital shall be keeping our faith by doing what we do best. With this addition, we shall be able to realize our lifelong ambition of raising funds from the public to finance businesses of the public to help them ensure sustainability and continuity. We are, in actual fact, leveraging on the strength of the market to give back to the business community.


    About Us_Icon 7


    Today’s challenging market has put most businesses in extremely fragile financial situations. Debts tend to outweigh revenue inflow, and to make matters worse, cash flow problems are likely a door-opener to a number of other issues which can lead to insolvency. However, we all know too well that it isn’t always easy to depend on banks to bail you out with loans. 

    In order to keep a business operating and fully functional, organizations require healthy and consistent cash flow. Whether you are making plans for the next 3 to 5 years, to expand an existing business, or to undertake a new lucrative project, finance is the heartbeat in a company’s continuous wellbeing. Nevertheless, the plain intention to sustain a business has appeared to be more difficult than easy. Being a seasoned player in the finance and banking industry for the past couple of decades, this issue was duly recognized by Kevin and Chloe, who subsequently established Nexus Capital with the aim to address this subject. 

    The name Nexus Capital represents a core to a series of connections or links. It is a direct reflection of our ambition in generating solid solutions from our deep and wide network and resources. It is our greatest aspiration to build a congregation of comprehensive and customized solutions designed to ease the process of obtaining financing for Malaysian SMEs. 

    It is our genuine intention to help business owners to solve their finance-related problems via the Nexus Financing Ecosystem, and by leveraging the right financing platform, nurture young entrepreneurs and businesses in Malaysia into big time players and corporate companies.

    Greatest Benefits

    An additional financial reinforcement on top of your existing facility,

    & elevates your business to greater heights in a short time to help cope with large market demand in the respective industry

    It functions as a possible solution in fulfilling the prerequisite of a bank,

    thus indirectly spring- boarding you to activate other banking facilities, or until you get a bank loan.

    There is less burden to make repayment

    – you get to divide into as
    many as 12 installments over 12 months, without
    collaterals! You may utilize
    your advantage in cash flow
    for other business affairs as
    a chance to make more

    Perfect for Businesses

    Requires supplementary financial backup

    on top of existing facilities to improve cash flow

    Requires a short-term financial

    boost for specific purposes

    Are aggressively expanding,

    and don't want to be worried about chasing cash

    Unable to fulfill credit criteria

    by financial institutions

    Financing Capacity

    Financing limit from RM500,000 up to RM2,000,000

    Your INSTANT
    Financial Reinforcement

    12 Months Program

    No Collaterals Needed (T&C applied)

    Approval Within 7 Working Days


    About Us_Icon 7


    Capital Booster is, without a doubt, our forte. Apparently, there is almost none who could even come close to us, and that is something which we are particularly proud of. As a specialist in the “Instant RM500,000 clean loan, we could bolster your financial needs within 7 working days without the involvement of collaterals, thus many clients have regarded us as their answer to instant financial relief. Capital Booster also plays a role in enhancing your chance of obtaining bank loans as it helps to give a face-lift to your account statements and healthier financial condition in your company.

    Our exclusive collaboration with a local licensed credit company has allowed us to be the factor behind the cushioning effects of your business cash flow, helping you to thrive in the Nexus Financing Ecosystem that is capable of constantly refreshing your company’s financial life cycle.


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    In a nutshell, everyone is ALWAYS in need of money when it comes to running a business, and it is especially true when it comes to SMEs.

    If you are a business owner, please ask yourself have you been constantly in need of additional cash flow on top of your existing financial facilities? However, the downside is you are not able to fulfil anymore credit criteria! But you have a potentially great project waiting for you and you simply could not afford to allow a golden business opportunity to pass by. You desperately need some capital and you need it immediately!

    “Capital Booster” is an amazing and prompt credit financing program that instantly fulfils your business needs and enhances your cash flow. It is perfect for companies that are not able to match the credit requirements from financial institutions, or those that require additional working capital on top of their standing facilities.



    If you are heavily burdened by the mounting debts from unpaid invoices by your customers after goods or services rendered, “Factoring” is another brilliant way to put a solution to your provisional financial woes.

    Also known as Invoice Financing in common market term, this financing facility provided by Nexus Capital and co. (which is also Shariah compliant), allows your company to convert your credit sales into cash through selling your invoices to our licensed factoring-house partner, who could take over in managing and streamlining the entire process of factoring financing, helping you to leverage on your unpaid invoices or accounts receivable to give your business an instant cash injection.



    From peer-to-peer financing to equity crowdfunding, Nexus Capital empower you to ignite your dreams by connecting you with not only the right resources, but also the best. We help realize your visions by uniting you with a strong backer or a horde of them through a connected, cohesive global community. We are in collaboration with some of the biggest players in the market to offer you the best options for your company. The good news is, everything is conveniently, securely and efficiently accomplished via a digital platform.


    Equity Crowdfunding
    Through a collaborative effort, Nexus Capital and co. are an advisory firm that offers consultation, planning and structuring services to crowd-fund ideas, projects, and companies that are looking for capital to realize, execute or expand their business. Our team is equipped with in-depth knowledge and has assisted client in navigating the legal and commercial landscape, as well as discovering business opportunities and thrive within this ever-expanding marketplace.


    Peer-to-peer Financing
    Also known as Peer-to-peer Lending (P2P), enables an individual to obtain loan directly from another individual, thus cutting out banks as the traditional middle party. Nexus Capital are particularly proficient in assisting smaller-scale companies (1- or 2-year-old companies) or traditional businesses who found it intensely strenuous to obtain bank loans. While you apply, we shall begin to look for potential platforms with a congregation of qualified investors, where the platform shall, in due course, kickstart the fundraising from the public to fund the coveted loan (or multiple loans) individually.


    Our Solution_Icon 9


    The maximum financing amount depends on your company’s profile, which includes its revenue, cash flow, industry etc. As your company expands, you might want to secure bigger projects which require more cash flow support. However, some companies were rejected by existing financing institution as it hits the maximum limit. It is advisable to spread the risk and establish credit relationships with more financing institutions should there be potential opportunities of growth that requires additional funding. Tapping into our extensive network of banks and financial institutions, we would be able connect your company to suitable banks and commercial loan products.


    Our Solution_Icon 9


    The typical turnaround period for loan applications for SMEs is 1 to 2 months. This is due to the unfamiliarity regarding the documents required and the application process. Thus, you may have to spend more time to have back-and-forth communication with the banker to get the financing application right.

    If you’re in a situation where you required funds urgently, we can shorten the turnaround time with our familiarity on the documentations and information banks require.