Moving into the future, Nexus Capital shall be incorporating a new P2P (Peer-to-peer) company focusing on crowdfunding ‘the digital way’. This online platform shall be a revolution to the traditional ones, allowing not just the general public to show an interest in funding an idea, a project or a company as an individual or an alliance, but also open to private corporations or even a conglomerate who wishes to be a funder.
The company shall be the first-ever company that not only functions as a fundraising platform, but also an advisory that provides consultation on financing and financial management roadmap to assist clients avoid mismanaging the facilities that they obtained which could potentially lead to disheartening wastage.
Nexus Capital shall be keeping our faith by doing what we do best. With this addition, we shall be able to realize our lifelong ambition of raising funds from the public to finance businesses of the public to help them ensure sustainability and continuity. We are, in actual fact, leveraging on the strength of the market to give back to the business community.